Sherlock Holmes and the Spinsters of Blackmead
This page was last updated: November 26, 2014

Drop Box:
Here are links to the photos that were take at each show. Thank you Mr. Ellman for providing the photos for Saturday and Sunday.

If you have photo's you would like to share - please put them on a disk/flash drive and pass it on to Andy Arndt. Or if you have a drop box account and can load the photo's on there - send my the link to the drop box folder. 

Thank you,

Patty Arndt
If you do not have a "Drop Box" account, please click here to accept an invitation to Drop Box. The Basic Drop Box account is free. It will not cost you any money to join Drop Box to view the photos. The more people that accept this invitation - the more space I get for these photo's- which has pretty much used up all my Drop Box space. These photo's will not stay up forever, so please go through them soon and download which ones you want. Enjoy!

Thursday Night - Opening - Cast B

Friday Night - Cast A

Saturday Night - Cast B

Sunday Night - Cast A

Cast Photos and Strike

Cast Party