This page was last updated: October 15, 2014

Sherlock Holmes and the Spinsters of Blackmead
Cast/Crew Bio
Submit your cast bios and photos to: ????? 

Coming Soon! We need a volunteer to make a bio for each student to be put up on the wall at LHS before opening night - Students will submit their bio and photo to you via email so you will need an email address that can be put on this website - check out the Signup Genius for this opportunity. 
Cast/Crew Bio's and a photo need to be turned in by November 5th. 

Please download the Bio Form - fill it out - and email the form and a photo to: ??????

Include your:

Character or Crew title
Theatre Experience

Tell something fun about yourself

Tell somthing you would want to audience to know about you

If you are a senior tell us about your future plans, what college you plan to go to, your major etc.

Please make sure photos are like a school portrait photo preferable upper body only - no selfies with gestures or strange faces.  SMILE!