This page was last updated: October 28, 2014
Character Cast A Cast B
Sherlock Holmes Amrita Bhagia Dean Nation
Dr. Watson Paul Smith Josef Chalchula
Miriam Cray Jaclyn Stiller Madeline Lacy
Alice Milne Abi Thompson Caitlyn Salinas
Estelle Lapoint Grace Barry Nora Haas
Glenda Mackay Liz Wright Laura Nation
Billit Melissa Pirko Orla McCullagh
Dove Michael Cojocaru Andy Arndt
Mrs. Pettiman Michael Ellman Mark Ellman
Busby Brianna Hennessy Brady Morris
A Body Timothy Techentin
Run Crew
Delaney Adams
Emma Archbold
Mackenzie Whalen
Cast / Crew Bio's and a photo need to be turned in by November 5th.
Include your:
Character or Crew Title
Age and/or grade
Theatre Experience
Tell something fun about yourself
Tell somthing you would want to audience to know about you
If you are a senior tell us about your future plans, what college you plan to go to, your major etc.
Please make sure photos are like a school portrait photo preferable upper body only - no selfies with gestures or strange faces. SMILE!
Sherlock Holmes and the Spinsters of Blackmead
Cast A Stage Manager: Carolyn Leibovich
Casb B Stage Manager: Jackie Galbraith
Scenic Designer: Neil Stiller
Director: Zoe Malinchoc
Fine Arts Chair: Bob Gardner
Tech Crew
Nick Johnson
Nick Zinser
David Poirier
Moira McDonnell